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Connect Settings
Updated over 10 months ago

The Connect module allows firms to sync time and billing with ClientPay to accept payments and automatically post back to their matter management system. Implementation requires installation of a web service and running a script of stored procedures. For more information, click here to review our installation guides.

Once the Connect installation is complete, you must configure how your postings will appear in your matter management software. This needs to be done for all merchant accounts configured in your portal.

Go to the Settings tab in the left navigation bar. Then locate the Connect tab at the top of the page.

You must be an admin in order to access the User, Settings and Notifications areas.

Merchant Accounts

  • Trust Account - Be sure to specify whether the account is a general (operating) account or trust (IOLTA) account

  • Ledger Codes (if applicable) - Select which ledger code you would like posted with each payment by default

  • Trans Type (if applicable) - Select which transaction type you would like posted on each payment by default

  • Account - Once the installation is complete, the dropdown box should provide a list of all available bank accounts in your matter management software. Select which bank account should be used by default for all payments processed through this merchant account. Anytime you change bank accounts, you will need to change this setting to update how postings appear in your matter management software.*

*Note: If you need to change bank accounts, you must contact [email protected] to update the merchant account in order for the actual funds to route to a different account. The Connect settings in your ClientPay portal only update software fields for payment postings.


These are the fields that use the integration to pull data from your matter management system to display within ClientPay and post back after the payment has been processed. You cannot add or remove default Connect fields but you can change the order in which they appear and decide where they should appear within the ClientPay portal.

  • Drag and drop the horizontal arrow buttons on the left to arrange fields in the preferred order.

  • Connect fields automatically appear on payment pages and in the Payment Manager but you can use the checkboxes to specify other places you would like to see (or not see) these fields in ClientPay.

  • Information will only be populated from your matter management system in the Connect section so, if these fields appear in other areas, you will need to manually enter the data for comprehensive reporting in the Payment Manager.

Posting Information

  • Default A/R Message - Set a specific phrase such as "ClientPay Payment" that will appear on all payments when they post to your matter management system so you know the payment originated from ClientPay.

  • Use Posted Date - The default settings for Connect use the payment date on payments posted to your matter management system. If you check the box next to "Use Post Date," the date that appears in your matter management system will be the post date instead of the transaction date. This is key because some firms prefer to wait to post until they receive the funds in their bank account and they want the date to match the deposit.

  • Enable Automatic Posting - Check this box to have payments post to your matter management software automatically as soon as they are processed so you don't have to log in to complete the posting process.

πŸ“Œ Be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your settings before navigating away to another page.

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